Monday, April 30, 2012

My Pledge

My Pledge for business class:

I pledge to be on time to class and my intern everyday by setting my alarm a couple of minutes early and having a plan B to get to class.
I pledge to graduate Year Up and move forward with my life by staying positive, not giving up, trying my best, and asking questions that will benefit me and classmates.
I pledge to offer any help I can to my colleagues to help them learn by giving my contact information out so they can reach out to me for any reason.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Neighborhood

 I spent my childhood in Hayward, Ca near Kennedy Park and Bohannon Middle school. The neighborhood in which I grew up in was a diverse and multicultural environment. My group of friends consisted of all different races: Korean, American, Indian, Mexican, Filipinos, and Chinese. My two best friends were Korean and White but we never excluded the rest when we had activities such as neighborhood soccer, football, baseball, and basketball. We would always play outside together after we finished our homework our parents wouldn't allow us to go out and play unless we finished our entire homework and gave it our full effort. It was a very secluded neighborhood with a lot of shops and places to dine. I enjoyed the fact my neighborhood was near many places to wonder off too. I moved from the neighborhood I grew up in the summer of 2005 to Castro Valley, CA transferred school districts and left my high school and childhood friends behind. It was a very difficult time for the transition but I didn't waste any time making new friends, the neighborhood I moved to wasn't for me. It was a very nice area to live in with parks and neighborhood tennis courts, basketball courts, and a swimming pool but something was missing. In my neighborhood the majority of families are white and Chinese ages from 50-75. There is nobody near my age in my neighborhood all of their kids are married and are living on their own. Despite of that it is a really nice neighborhood and the people are really nice, so I can’t complain that much.

I am who I am because of the neighborhood I grew up being so diverse. The race did not matter to me or anyone, it was as if we were one big family and were all brothers. It showed me to be open to different ethnicity and not to strictly associate with my own race. I am very grateful to have lived in such a great neighborhood.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I really enjoy the advertisements that have a clear and education message and sticks to you. For instance the "Live Above The Influence “commercials, something about them changes my day in a way that I feel brings me better knowledge on smoking or drugs. It leaves the person reading or watching the advertisement feeling for what the person is going through and draws them in a way to make a personal connection.  Once the person makes the connection with the personal life it keeps them interested in the product. I am disturbed and annoyed of the advertisements I receive when I am exploring on the internet. For instance when I listening to music streamed from Pandora or slacker radio an advertisement plays about every three songs and can ruin the state of mind.  Also when sponsors or advertisements are somewhere they do not belong. When a bus has advertising for a movie or in other cases condoms, I believe that is unnecessary and not  benevolent there are many different ways they can advertise and advertising on a bus is not right.

Grabbing the attention or interest of the viewers plays a big role in advertising. There are many different styles of advertisements for variety of ages, race, size etc. The styles of advisement that grab my attention the most are humor, sentimentality, and shock factor. Humor and being able to make a person laugh or smile has a great affect on a person which can lead to remembering the purpose of selling the product to the person. For me if you make me laugh in an advertisement commercial or picture you have already won some credibility in my mind, and many advertisements strictly focus on getting the attention of a wide audience especially the new generation.

Advertisements believe by starring a celebrity in there advertisement will lead to great success and lots of money. People buy products or invest in things because there favorite athlete, singer, actor, or actress are on the advertisements. For me I think it is really sad to see that some of the biggest company's make a huge profit from who is wearing their product in a commercial or picture. I have never bought any attire just because celebrities influenced me to buy it. I am not saying that it’s wrong to buy a product because your favorite celerity is wearing it; I am just stating that I don't.