Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Take notes

Thus far in the book some of my strategies consist of reading the chapters in section throughout the week. I check how many pages are in the chapter and I choose a number to read per day ending on Thursdays, giving me enough time to finish my role in the group for Friday. Unless I am the moderator, then I read the whole chapter on Monday and Tuesday splitting the pages between the days. I made sure I didn’t read the book too late in the day because then you just read to read not to read for comprehension. I love to read in my room either in complete silence or with very soothing music in the background, but not music that is distracting. I always underline a word I read that I don’t know, even if I am not vocabulary manager for the week. It helps me expand my vocabulary. Highlighting something you found funny, you think that is important, opinion on a quote or passage are all good ways to annotate. When reading this book you cannot be a pessimist while doing so. You have to look at it in many different perspectives because the way the book is written is only one thought. Have an open mind while reading and have fun with it.


  1. Nice and helpful tips. We have the same reading strategies. Nice use of the vocab words and stuff.

  2. Really good post, i really liked the part on relating to what you read in your annotations.
